Life Circle Independent Study Program


The “Life Circle Independent Study” (LCIS) is a Virtual 4 Week Empowerment Program.  The "LCIS" program is focused on helping you EMBRACE and EXECUTE God’s purpose for your life! This program is designed for the busy woman who knows she needs the support, but wants to move at her own pace! Our program is an independent/self-study program. Each week for 4 weeks participants will receive a lesson on the topic of Purpose! Participants will be taught on accepting and walking in purpose from a Biblical and clinical perspective. Each participant will receive a workbook (hardcopy) to follow along with the program and to take notes!

The “LCIS” program is specifically for those who need:

  • CLARITY on the customized plan God has ordained for you in this season of your life!

o   Through each audio class you will be taken through what God’s Words says about purpose and by the end of the course you will be have practical steps in identifying your specific purpose.

  • COURAGE to once and for all silence the inner bully that stops you from walking out your purpose!

o   Often we blame others as to why we aren’t walking in our purpose, but as you go through the classes you will discover that often it is our own negative self-talk that bullies us into paralysis.  Through this program you will be given the tools to silence your own ‘stinking thinking’ and once and for all move forward!

  • CONSISTENCY in their journey towards destiny!

o   Many of you may already have clarity on your purpose, and you may have the courage to walk it out, but what you need in your life is more consistency.  By committing to each class you will learn how to hold yourself accountable to your purpose!


If you are a woman that is ready to INVEST in yourself, IDENTIFY your purpose and IGNITE your life…then the “Life Circle Independent Study” Program is for you!

In addition to gaining CLARITY, COURAGE and CONSISTENCY, participants also will:

  • Experience increased self-worth as they understand the customized plan for their life
  • Be liberated from the fear that has paralyzed them for so long
  • Boldly surround themselves with those who are like-minded & can push them towards greatness
  • Alienate anyone or anything that does not encourage wholeness & liberty in their life
  • Eliminate the distractions that keep them from moving forward

How do we accomplish all of that through this program?  It isn’t as complicated as you might think! Remember, this program is customized to be done at the pace that is comfortable for you.  You are encouraged to listen to each session weekly, and to set aside additional time to process what you have learned.

The “Life Circle Independent Study” Program uses the recently UPDATED "Purpose Project" Series, which teaches:

  • What God's Word says about living your life with purpose
  • Why living life with purpose is NOT optional but mandatory
  • The top THREE things that STOP us from pursuing purpose
  • How to create an atmosphere that will support your purpose journey
  • The importance of understanding your natural strengths & how they impact your purpose
  • The difference between your personality and your character
  • How to define your personal vision and mission statements
  • The importance of paying attention to “themes” in your life
  • The 7 Steps that you must take to ensure you will identify and embrace your purpose

And so much more!


Special Bonuses:

  • BONUS # 1: Sign up for this independent study program and receive the popular 52 Week “Live Intentionally, Fully Engaged” Devotional absolutely FREE! (Simply pay “Shipping & Handling”) This devotional is a great additional resource to help you truly embrace the L.I.F.E. God has intended for you! ($17 Value)
  • BONUS # 2: Participants will also receive the "L.I.F.E." Guide E-Book for FREE that guides the reader in creating a strategic plan for their life. ($20 Value)


I am so excited to offer the LIFE CIRCLE Independent Study program to you! I am obsessed with helping women experienced the life God has intended for them! I truly believe that it is time for YOU to live intentionally, fully engaged! It is time for you once and for all to get off the roller coaster of crazy that keeps you from embracing your destiny! Over my many years of working as a therapist and life coach, there are two things I KNOW for sure:

  1. MINDSET (the way you think, the way you process, your SCHEMA) MATTERS! What is stopping you is NOT a lack of opportunity…it is NOT what your mama ‘nem did or did not do….it is NOT your education or your upbringing. What is stopping you is your MINDSET! Even when you’ve had a measure of success, distorted thinking can STILL limit you.  That is why I have created this independent study to help CHALLENGE the way you THINK so that you can start to CHANGE the way you feel, and ultimately CREATE the life you long for! I believe that by going through this independent study, actually doing the WORK and applying the information you will begin to have the clarity you need to change your life!

But, there is another piece to this:

  1. While MINDSET MATTERS, COMMUNITY is just as important!  True lasting change does not happen in isolation! I believe that we were created for community! And that means if you truly want to see lasting change, you want to be around those who can CHALLENGE you to push past your limitations! You must be surrounded by someone (or several someone’s) that will not allow you to stay stagnant. It is with that in mind, I encourage you to consider adding the Individual or Group Coaching to your commitment!

I am excited to offer these opportunities to you!

So, are you ready to dive in? Click HERE to choose the option of your choice!

Let’s grow together!

(Please note: All coaching is done virtually via Zoom)